Terri Richardson was born in Georgia and grew up in Northeast Denver, graduating from George Washington High School. After completing her college and medical school education and residency training, she worked at Eastside Health Center for 17 years and then Kaiser Permanente East for 17 more years. During her time working in the field Dr. Richardson is proud that she was considered the “community doctor.” She describes her career in medicine as extremely rewarding and decided to retire in 2021 to pursue other interests.
Terri has been on the Colorado Black Health Collaborative board and a part of the BBSHOP for over a decade. She is excited to be a part of Project HairCare, because the project was designed to help operators address their client’s mental health concerns. The operators see their clients often and are a trusted resource. Project HairCare will enhance their skills and provide resource connections that will benefit everyone involved.
Just for the Health of it!