Hunger Free Colorado

Ph: 720.382.2920 or 1-855-855-4626
Hours: M-F 8 AM to 4 PM
Food Bank of the Rockies

Ph: 303.371.9250
Hours: M-F 8 AM to 4 PM
Adams County Emergency Food Bank

7111 E 56th Ave. Commerce City, CO 80022
Hours open: Wed, Thurs, and Fri 10 AM to 1 PM
Housing and Employment Opportunities
House Working and Healthy, job training.
For questions and registration, Call Joy
Direct: 720.772.1715
Cell: 720.334.7173
Athletic and Beyond Family Wellness Center
4990 Nome St. Denver, CO 80239
Apprenticeship for career choices; Job Training
Call 720.845.1712 for more information.